It is Possible: Making The Ideal Child Care Real

The child care crisis in America is long-standing and well documented. Urgent challenges face child care proximity experts: high needs and inadequate supply, high costs, low pay and challenging working conditions, and more.


Nationwide, the average annual cost of care rose to $11,582 per child in 2022.

The average price of child care for two children exceeds annual in-state university tuition in all four regions.


Our nation invests far less per child in the years before kindergarten than in the K-12 years, and it spends even less on infants and toddlers than on preschool-age children.


50 percent of U.S. families live in communities defined as child care deserts.

It Is Possible: Making the Ideal Real

Rethink When Learning Begins
Rethink Who Needs Child Care
Rethink What Child Care Costs
Rethink Quality
Rethink Governance and Decision-Making
Families Can Have Clear and Funded Child Care Options
Regulations Governing ECE Programs Can Be Streamlined and Right-Sized
Child Care Policies Can Be Designed to Make the Ideal Real
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